Alternatively, just add the PluginManager.dll to the plugins directory, then do a reinstall of Plugin Manager from the plugin itself. zip file and place the PluginManager.dll file in the Notepad++ plugins directory, and the gpup.exe in the updater directory under your Notepad++ program directory. Please share and subscribe.To install Notepad++ Plugin Manager, simply download the. Javascript does not work the way it should, but you can use this JSTool plugin to Minimize Javascript and work on JSON. "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook." "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",

"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language", This options format the JSON in same windows while JSFOAMT (new open) open a new window. This functionality was not available in JSON Viewer Plugins. You can even select the individual nodes and the plugin highlights the same in the Notepad++ editor. This option opens a frame on the right-hand side which shows JSON as a tree. This should format the JavaScript, but it is not working for me. The JSMin(New File) option compress and open the minimized file in the new editor window.Īfter Min alert("Hello, World ") Format JavaScript This removes all the blank spaces to compress JavaScript. Now let’s see how to use this Javascript plugin. The plugin should be available under plugin Menu in the toolbar as shown in the below image. You have successfully installed the plugin. Extract and copy JSMinNpp.dll to the JSMinNPP folder.Go to Plugins–> Open Plugins Folder…menu.

If that is the case, you can manually install the plugin using the method given below.

This is a really easy method, but many a time this may install an outdated version of the plugin. Search and select the JSTool plugin and click the install button to install the plugin in Notepad++. Open Notepad++ and Go to Plugins–>Plugins Admin. Plugin Admin or Plugin Manager is the best and easy way to install this plugin. 32bit – JSToolNPP Install JSTool in Notepad++.You can download the source code and plugin dll file from the links given below. It is available for Both 32-bit and 64-bit Notepad++. You can also use it to view JSON as Tree, Format, and Sort. JSToolNpp is a Javascript Plugin for Notepad++ to minimize and format JavaScript code.